Keyword Categorization

Keywords are organized across two dimensions; category and confidence. You can segment keywords along these dimensions to trigger different actions. For example, you may elect to trigger a higher-touch referral for certain categories and confidence levels, but not others.

We are available to help you configure these dimensions based on your platform and use case. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you don't already have a line of communication to us.



The category of risky search intent. Note that some categories (e.g., wellness, school) are not particularly worrisome, but these can be used to surface more generalized well-being and mental health content. Here is the current list of categories:

  • self_harm
  • eating_disorder
  • mental_health_concern
  • suicide
  • relationships
  • wellness
  • school
  • abuse
  • parenting
  • covid19


Ambiguity of term as a state to act on. Examples are below:

  • high: tw cutting refers to self-harm. The ‘tw’ prefix is a really good indication that the intent is real.
  • low: Annastasia is usually a name, but in rare cases it can also be used as slang for anorexia.